MultiPoD - Political Participation in Multilingual Spaces

MultiPoD project will pursue an open, context-aware multilingual and cross- cultural approach to supporting communication and collaboration in a European Public Space for Citizen Deliberation. It will develop new methods to interconnect existing communities and increase the transparency of political deliberation. Advancing the state of the art in Generative AI for cross-cultural transformation and visualisation will help engage EU citizens to participate in political deliberation across linguistic and socio- cultural boundaries. For policymakers and other professional stakeholders, a visual analytics dashboard will help identify patterns in political communication (origin and impact of inclusion and exclusion strategies, for example, or inherent biases and misconceptions) to increase transparency and support multi-level policymaking at the European level. Finally, MultiPoD will work in continuous collaboration with JRC to ensure that the governance system surrounding the MultiPoD technologies adoption is trustworthy, ensure coherence, anticipate human needs and maximise impact.