🗓️ Week 1
Introduction to counterfactuals

PB4A7- Quantitative Applications for Behavioural Science

26 Sep 2024

What is PB4A7

What is this class

  • It’s a research design course on quasi-experimental methods
  • Let’s break it down:
    • Research Design -> How you transform an idea / question about the world to applied research
    • Quasi-Experiments -> Not by designing new experiments with random assignment. (how? We will see over the next 11 weeks)

What you should expect

  • Confidence: You will feel like you have a good understanding of design-based causal inference by the end such that it doesn’t feel mysterious or intimidating

  • Comprehension: You will have learned a lot both conceptually but also in various specifics, particularly with regards to issues around identification and estimation

  • Competency: You will have had some experience working together implementing these methods using code in Stata syntax

Lectures plan

  • Week 2 - Linear regressions
  • Week 3 - Hypothesis testing
  • Week 4 – Linear regressions with multiple regressors / Non-linear functions
  • Week 5 – Regressions on Binary variables
  • Week 6 – BREAK!!! (eeeehm Reading Week)
  • Week 7 – Recap & POTENTIAL OUTCOMES
  • Week 8 – Panel regressions
  • Week 9 – Regression Discontinuity Designs
  • Week 10 – Instrumental Variables
  • Week 11 – Difference in Differences

What is a good research question?

  • Coming up with questions is easy.

  • But coming up with good ones, is tricky. Good RQ:

What is a good research question?

  • Coming up with questions is easy.

  • But coming up with good ones, is tricky. Good RQ:

    • A question that can be answered / Researchable:
    • How can you answer a question which is unanswerable?
    • What versus why? Are you trying to determine what causes Y, or why something causes Y.
  • Improve our understanding of the world:

    • Doesn’t have to shake the foundations of science and human knowledge
    • What if I find an unexpected result?

Research Designs

  • Quantitative empirical analysis uses data to explore, test or estimate a relationship.

Research Designs

  • From a broad spectrum of methodologies, we will cover:

Causal Inference

  • Contemplating interventios that change behaviour:

    • How would littering parks change if we increase the severity of fines?
      • Is public shaming more effective?
    • What if we increase other types of fines (i.e. driving)?
      • Will people commit less crimes?

Each of these policies is asking what happens to some outcome if we make an intervention - keep everything the same but change one factor –

A little throwback to causal inference

A little throwback

  • October 2021’s Nobel Prize in economics went to D. Card, J. Angrist and G. Imbens

  • But it’s arguably as much to Princeton’s mid 1980s Industrial Relations group as it’s ground zero for the credibility revolution

  • Starts with Orley Ashenfelter, who had been working on job trainings programs

  • KEY individuals: Orley Ashenfelter, David Card (Orley’s student), Josh Angrist (Card and Orley’s student), Alan Krueger (hired by Orley), Bob Lalonde (Card and Orley’s student) and then a generation of students (Levine, Currie, Pischke)

A little throwback

  • Angrist started working on how randomization in Vietnam drafting can explain later outcomes (we will see this in Week 10)

  • Meets Gibens and they both get mentored by Gary Chamberlain

  • They propose the potential outcomes framework

  • This course is about these people, their ideas, subsequent development and how the revolutionised modern empirical research with observational data

Introduction to counterfactuals

Introduction to counterfactuals

  • Let’s do a little thought experiment

Introduction to counterfactuals

  • Let’s do a little thought experiment

  • Aliens come and orbit earth, in superposition.

    • They see sick people in hospitals
    • What do they? think?

Introduction to counterfactuals

  • Let’s do a little thought experiment

  • Aliens come and orbit earth, in superposition.

    • They see sick people in hospitals
    • What do they? think?
    • Hospitals kill people. What is the difference? Doctors?
  • They kill the doctors, unplug patients from machines, throw open the doors – many more patients inexplicably die

  • Sounds ridiculous?

Introduction to counterfactuals

  • Let’s do a little thought experiment

  • Aliens come and orbit earth, in superposition.

    • They see sick people in hospitals
    • What do they? think?
    • Hospitals kill people. What is the difference? Doctors?
  • They kill the doctors, unplug patients from machines, throw open the doors – many more patients inexplicably die

  • Sounds ridiculous?

  • Aren’t we all aliens in our research?

Three types of errors

  • Correlation =/= causation

Three types of errors

  • Correlation =/= causation
  • Something Happening first may not imply causality (rooster)

Three types of errors

  • Correlation =/= causation
  • Something Happening first may not imply causality (rooster)
  • No correlation does not imply no causation

Research Designs and Causality

Research Designs and Causality

Example: If we want to know whether a vaccine works

  • We compare people who have gotten vaccinated and those who took a placebo instead

Research Designs and Causality

Example: If we want to know whether a vaccine works

  • We compare people who have gotten vaccinated and those who took a placebo instead

  • In a classic clinical experiment, one applies a ‘treatment’ (0 = placebo, 1 = vaccine) to some set of n ‘subjects’ and observes some ‘outcome’ (Y).

  • We can then estimate:

    • Y = infection(0,1)

Research Designs and Causality

  • Each individual i is assigned into one of the treatment options (0 = placebo, 1 = vaccine)

  • Therefore, each i as two potential outcomes:

    • What would happen if they got the placebo? Yi (0)
    • What would happen if they got the vaccine? Yi (1)
  • Did vaccines prevent infection?

    • To answer this we need to know what happened to the individual if they got the vaccine and what happened to the same individual if they got the placebo.


  • What actually happened (i.e., the ‘factual’):
    • I got the vaccine and did not get sick
    • Treatment (X) = 1
    • Observed outcome = Yi(1)
  • The counterfactual: (what would have happened)
    • If I did not get the vaccine, would I have fallen sick?
    • Counterfactual treatment (X) = 0
    • Counterfactual outcome = Yi(0)


  • After treatment is assigned there is potential for only one outcome to be observed


  • But ideally we would like to observe two:

Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

  • Once we observe one treatment for one individual, we cannot observe a different treatment for the same individual.

  • This is called the “fundamental problem of causal inference.” Each potential outcome is observable, but we can never observe all of them.” (Rubin, 2005, p. 323).

  • Then, why are we discussing all these?

Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

  • Once we observe one treatment for one individual, we cannot observe a different treatment for the same individual.

  • This is called the “fundamental problem of causal inference.” Each potential outcome is observable, but we can never observe all of them.” (Rubin, 2005, p. 323).

  • Then, why are we discussing all these?

  • We can observe different treatments across different people.

  • This may be a way of solving the fundamental problem, but it introduces a new problem we must consider.

Selection Bias

  • This new problem arises because different people are… DIFFERENT!

Selection Bias

  • Differences between people following a treatment may be because of the treatment, or they may be because of the differences in the people being treated.

  • This is selection bias.

  • Let’s consider some other factors which may matter for selection bias.


Addressing Selection Bias

  • Select a large enough random sample and divide them into two groups.

    • Characteristics which contribute to selection bias should on average be distributed the same between both groups.
    • Therefore, we expect that the treatment and control groups should differ only because of the treatment, and in absence of the treatment, would produce the same results.

Addressing Selection Bias

  • Each group differs within the group…

  • But, on average, the groups themselves are the same, and so are comparable.

  • The effect of treatment on average would then be:

  • E(Y | T = 1) – E(Y | T = 0) = Average Treatment Effect (ATE)

Treatment effect

  • The effect of the intervention then would be:

    • Treatment effect of intervention = Outvome of Treated - Outcome of Untreated + Selection Bias

    • Selection bias is the difference in average outcomes between treatment and control groups due to factors other than the treatment status

    • The true treatment effect, selection bias needs to be eliminated, or shown to be reasonably assumed to be zero.

    • To eliminate selection bias, we need well designed experiments (Matteo’s class) and large enough samples

Experiments not always the solution

  • Time consuming and expensive (large samples)
  • May have ethical issues
  • Suffer from drop-out and non-compliance
  • Estimated parameters in an experiment may different from the parameters in the field.
  • Not very easy to observe ‘real’ behaviours or consequential behaviours because of the setting.
  • An interesting paper on the limits of RCTs from Deaton (Nobel laureate) and Cartwright (2017), if you’re interested!
  • What do we do then?

Causal inference

  • We design a strategy (Identification Strategy from now on) that allows us to:

    • Identify and isolate the random variation in treatment (i.e. a natural disaster)
    • Rely on institutional knowledge, theory and data to:
      • Reduce as much as possible Selection Bias
      • Identify outcomes for treated and untreated populations
      • Estimate average treatment effects

Data Generating Process

  • To avoid identification error, economists think closely about the data generating process
  • What is a data generating process?
  • The data generating process is the true set of laws that determine where our data comes from
  • For example, if you hold a rock and drop it, it falls to the floor
  • What is the data we observe? (Hold the rock & Rock is up) and (Let go & Rock is down)
  • What is the data generating process? Gravity makes the rock fall down when you drop it

Data Generating Process

  • Another example is a model of supply and demand
  • We observe prices and quantities in a competitive market
  • What led to those being the prices and quantities we see?
  • The supply and demand model and its equilibrium, we theorize!

Data Generating Process

Data Generating Process

  • The prices that we observe come from that theoretical construct
  • When we see the prices and quantities moving, according to our theory, it’s because the S and D lines are moving
  • But we can’t see the S and D lines
  • Our goal: use the observations we do see to infer what the theoretical model (data generating process) is

Data Generating Process

  • Harder than it sounds. What inference about S and D can we draw from these observations?


  • A data generating process can be described by a series of equations that describe where the data comes from. For example:

\[ X = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1\varepsilon + \nu \]

\[ Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1X + \varepsilon \]

  • This says ” \(X\) is caused by \(\varepsilon\) and \(\nu\), and \(Y\) is caused by \(X\) and \(\varepsilon\)”
  • The truth is that an increase in \(X\) causally increases \(Y\) by \(\beta_1\)
  • The goal of econometrics is to be able to estimate what \(\beta_1\) is accurately


  • We can also represent this set of relationships as a graph, with arrows telling you what variables cause each other


  • We do this because most of the relationships we’re interested in are causal - we want to know, if we could reach in and manipulate \(X\), would \(Y\) change as a result, and how much?
  • Does the minimum wage reduce employment?
  • Does quantitative easing avert recessions?
  • Does six-sigma improve business performance?
  • Does getting an MBA make you a better manager?


  • Imagine this is the graph we see for minimum wage and employment


  • Does that mean that the minimum wage harms employment?
  • Maybe! But also maybe not
  • What the graph shows us is a correlation
  • And correlation is not the same thing as causation


  • A given correlation, like the negative relationship between minimum wage changes and employment changes, can be consistent with a number of different causal relationships
  • As econometricians, we need to figure out which one it is!
  • How can we narrow it down?
  • How many of the diagrams on the next page can be consistent with that negative relationship?

Eight Possible Relationships


  • The only ones we can eliminate are d, g, and h
  • All the rest are possible!
  • If f is correct, we see the negative relationship even though minimum wage has nothing to do with causing employment (like the ice cream and shorts example)
  • If a is correct, then even though we know minimum wage causes employment to change, the size or even direction of the relationship will be wrong (why?)


  • So which of them is likely to be correct?
  • That depends on what we think \(\varepsilon\) is
  • \(\varepsilon\) is everything that determines \(Y\) other than \(X\)
  • Perhaps the health of the economy, or the policies that area has chosen
  • So we almost certainly have a graph with \(\varepsilon \rightarrow Y\)
  • Do those things also affect the choice to raise the minimum wage? If so we’re in graph a. That downward relationship could be due to a null relationship, or even a positive one (or perhaps a more negative one?)


  • So “correlation isn’t causation” isn’t quite complete
  • It’s more “only certain correlations are causal”
  • Many correlations are beset by these problems like endogeneity, i.e. the presence of another variable like \(\varepsilon\) related to both \(X\) and \(Y\), giving the effect a “back door”
  • So the correlation reflects both the causal effect and also the influence of \(\varepsilon\)

Random Experiments

  • One way around this problem is to run a random experiment
  • If we can randomly assign \(X\), then we know we’re not in graph a, because our graph looks like this!

Random Experiments

  • For this reason, random experiments are generally considered the “gold standard”
  • They have problems (i.e. experimental sample might not represent the population, people may act differently knowing they’re in an experiment, etc.)
  • But regardless, we’re looking here at questions for which we can’t run an experiment, becuase it’s impossible or infeasible or immoral
  • So one way we can think about solving this endogeneity problem with econometrics is to use our observational data in such a way that it behaves as though there were an experiment being run
  • Plenty of ways to do this we’ll go over in this course!

Concept Check

  • What does it mean to say that \(X\) has a causal effect on \(Y\)?
  • Why might the relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\) in data not be the same as the causal effect?
  • What is an example of observational data?
  • Consider the question of “Does getting an MBA make you a better manager?” What are \(X\) and \(Y\) here? What would be in the error term \(\varepsilon\)? Are we likely to have an endogeneity problem here?

Spurious Correlations

  • Let’s visit this site all about “spurious” correlations (i.e. correlations that almost certainly do not reveal a true effect of one variable on the other): https://tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
  • Take a look at how easy it is to find variables that are related statistically, even though clearly neither causes the other
  • Do you think this correlation is an example of inferential error (just random chance) or identification error (truly related, but not because one causes the other)? Why?

What follows?

  • Seminar today:

    • Intro to Workflows and Stata
  • Week 2: Hypothesis testing